Wodaabe | Mother of Worlds


Suspended gracefully above placid waters, a Wodaabe woman stands amidst an ethereal scene, her gaze fixed upon a mesmerizing sea of floating planets. Each celestial body drifts effortlessly, casting a soft glow upon the tranquil surface below, creating a surreal and captivating spectacle that invites contemplation and wonder.

The Wodaabe, also known as the Mbororo or Bororo, are a small subgroup of the Fulani ethnic group. They are traditionally nomadic cattle-herders and traders in the Sahel, with migrations stretching from southern Niger, through northern Nigeria, northeastern Cameroon, southwestern Chad, and the western region of the Central African Republic. The number of Wodaabe was estimated in 2001 to be 100,000. They are known for their elaborate attire and rich cultural ceremonies. Wikipedia

Printed on high quality, artist-grade stock and folded around a lightweight frame to give them a gorgeous, gallery-ready appearance. With acid-free ink that will last without fading or chipping, Features a scratch-resistant UV coating. Wipes clean easily with a damp cloth or to remove dust, vacuum gently using a soft brush attachment.


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